Call for Submissions for No.1 of T3XTURE Archizine
tex • ture
late Middle English (denoting a woven fabric or something resembling this):
from Latin textura ‘weaving’, from text- ‘woven’, from the verb texere.
The theme for this, the premier issue of T3XTURE Archizine, is "Texture" in art, architecture and the city. This call for submissions invites critical essays, built or unbuilt projects, exceptional photography, poems, or drawings that explore the idea of texture in architecture, art, and urbanism.
Submissions of texts and images or illustrations in low resolution, should be sent together with a short biography and a publication list as one single pdf-file that is not bigger than 1mb to before August 1, 2014. T3XTURE 's premier issue will be released in October 2014.